I am concerned about leaving a halter on my horse overnight.
We recognize some equestrians may have apprehension leaving a halter on a horse overnight
or for an extended period of time, especially when they are unsupervised. For this reason, the
NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ has been specifically designed to have multiple breakaway points
as we want to do everything within reason to reduce the likelihood of causing harm. Due to the
low break point of all-natural leather vs nylon,
we DO NOT RECOMMEND using any part of the
NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ crown in conjunction with a nylon halter.
Is the NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ safe?
The NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ is safe and complies with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.
NIGHTWATCH® further ensures compliance with Industry Canada (IC) license-exempt RSS
standards, PTCRB/CTIA certification standards, and IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) 60950 product safety standards. The smart halter™ was developed under the
expert guidance of veterinarians and has been tested on many horses of various breeds and
sizes across the United States for several years.
Do I need WiFi in my barn for my NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ to work?
Yes, you need access to a WiFi (2.4 GHz) network wherever you plan to utilize the
NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ as the 3G cellular network in the United States and Canada is in
the process of being phased out. While the smart halter™ does work over 3G (GSM) cellular
networks today, we do not recommend that you rely upon it as your primary or exclusive
connectivity method.
Do I need to be near my NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ for it to work?
No, you do not need to be in close proximity to your NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ to receive
alerts or access information via the NIGHTWATCH® App. As long as your smart halter™ has WiFi
connectivity, it can issue alerts and push updates to your horse's NIGHTWATCH® profile.
How does NIGHTWATCH® learn my horse?
Every horse is different, which is why NIGHTWATCH® leverages artificial intelligence/machine
learning to learn your horse's unique physiology, to adapt to them over time, and to identify
novel events that may be indicative of pain or distress that warrant the attention of a caretaker.
The longer your horse wears their NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™, the more refined and precise
their personal distress algorithm will become.
How does NIGHTWATCH® notify a caretaker?
When predefined threshold(s) for either smart or manual alerts are breached, NIGHTWATCH®
will alert you and others via text, call, and email simultaneously as a broadcast until the alert
notification is acknowledged. To acknowledge and clear an alert, launch the NIGHTWATCH®
App, select the horse’s profile, and tap acknowledge. If an alert is not acknowledged within 60
minutes, the device will reset itself. A status LED on the ID plate of each NIGHTWATCH® smart
halter™ further offers a visual indicator of your horse’s relative distress. Just look for the green
light for reassurance your horse is happy and within their normal/non-distress state. This LED
will illuminate red during the lockout mode triggered by an alert.
How is the NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ powered?
The NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ is powered by three rechargeable lithium-polymer (LiPo)
batteries, which are not the same as lithium-ion batteries. By comparison LiPo batteries are
thinner, more lightweight, and safer than lithium-ion batteries, but they do cost more to
manufacture and do not have the same energy density.
How often do I have to recharge my NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™?
The NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ offers approximately 12 hours of power with normal use and
will need to be recharged daily. Each charge cycle is estimated to be 3 hours. To conserve
power, the device will automatically go into a sleep mode when it is not being worn by your
horse (ie, is motionless) and is not on the charger. Each NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ has a
magnetic charging port and comes with a UL-certified charging cable and USB wall adapter.
How can I view my horse’s data?
You can view real-time and historical information on your horse via the NIGHTWATCH® App,
which is available for download in the App Store and on Google Play. In addition, you can
provide shared access with other careteam members, such as your veterinarian, trainer, et al.
Can I share information from my NIGHTWATCH® account with others?
Yes, you can provide shared access to your horse’s NIGHTWATCH® profile with other careteam
members, including your veterinarian, trainer, et al via the NIGHTWATCH® App provided those
members have a valid NIGHTWATCH® account, which is FREE within the App.
How do I know my NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ is working?
A LED on your NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ is integrated into the stainless ID plate and serves
as a visual indicator of either your horse's health status or operational state of your device. You
can also log into your account via the NIGHTWATCH® App to view device and/or horse details at
any time.
Does my NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ require any special care?
The NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ is durable but does contain sensitive electronic components
so appropriate care should be given to ensure longevity and proper functionality. Although all
embedded technology is enclosed within a flexible, water- and dust-resistant enclosure,
excessive water exposure and submersion should be avoided. Each halter is constructed using
all-natural bridle leather from
Wickett & Craig
that has been hand-selected by
Bridle leather is a traditional cowhide used in a variety of applications, from classic equestrian
tack to high-end leather goods. Drum dyed and hot stuffed, bridle leather is smooth and flexible
yet durable.
What if my NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ breaks?
Should your NIGHTWATCH® smart halter™ become inoperable or damaged outside the
parameters of our warranty and return policy, a repair and service program is available by
contacting customer care at 800-757-3856 or email us at support@protequus.com.